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Blackjack Card Counting - The KO Count System

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The KO count system is an Unbalanced level 1 card counting system that delivers a powerful optimized strategy with ease. This counting system does not make use of the true count.

The point values of the KO Count System are as follows:

card value
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 +1
8, 9 0
10, A -1

IC - 0.98

BC - 0.55

PE - 0.78

In the KO Count System, the index or starting number is based upon the number of decks used in the variation. It is a popular unbalanced card counting system that does not make use of conversion of the running count to the true count. It eliminates the running count from the true count hence reducing the error.

With the KO Count System, its initial running count does not start-off at 0 but starts with a -4. The running count starts with a negative value unlike other card counting systems that start from 0.

Therefore, for each deck being used in a variation, the running count will start from -4 given to each deck. Hence, if a variation is using 6 decks, then the running count will start at -24. Therefore, the running count should give a +4 when all cards are dealt on the table.

With the use of this card counting system, you will always be in the negative region. This strategy is effective with a blackjack variation that makes use of multiple decks. It delivers great accuracy thereby giving a player an added advantage.

Thus, with the KO Count System, if the running count is too high in the negative region this depicts that the deck is low card rich and a player would have to reduce his stake size.

When the running count is towards zero or ranging from -10 to -2, it indicates that the deck is high card rich giving a player an added advantage to increase his/her stake size because the dealer is more likely to bust and a player is more likely to receive blackjacks and a high hand value. Try this system when you play blackjack online before you use it at a live casino.



Now it is time for you to visit one of the best online casinos for blackjack to practice your card counting skills.

Good Luck at the blackjack tables.