blackjack online

Las Vegas Strip Blackjack

Top 3 Blackjack online casinos

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Las Vegas Strip Blackjack is one of the more interesting variations of blackjack.

Unfortunately, the game is not all about stripping.

It got its name from The Strip - the famous stretch of land in Las Vegas where most major casinos are located. This variation originated there and has spread all around so now it is played worldwide. Almost all online casinos have this version of the game as it is most popular with those already familiar with blackjack who are looking to play blackjack online with a little twist to add more spice to the game.

The standard rules of regular blackjack apply so as with all the moves and most of the general procedures. The goal is to reach a total closest to 21, but not more than that.

The main difference is that it uses 4 decks of standard playing cards. There are also variations in the limitations put on some rules. In regular blackjack, only aces can be split. However for this version, a pair of 10's, kings, queens, and jacks can also be split at the player's discretion.

But it must be noted that a pair of aces could only be split once. If after splitting you get another ace for your second card, then you cannot split it a second time. In addition to that, if after splitting two aces you get a 10 for the second card, then it would not be considered a blackjack.

There are also some changes in the rules for doubling down. You can use this option only on your first two cards. If for example you got two aces and you chose to split, then you must double down before a second card is dealt to you. This variation also has the standard 3-2 payout rate.


If you are looking for an online casino game to try out, you should play online blackjack! This fast paced and easy-to-learn game is an exciting option for players looking for great online casino fun. With so many blackjack variations to choose from, you can't go wrong with this game.

Now it is time for you to visit one of the best online casinos for blackjack.

Good Luck at the blackjack tables.